Quick set up with an API key, no vendor lock-in, friendly support.
Used by hundreds of applications and websites from around the globe, OpenCycleMap is an award-winning global map for cycling.
Chosen by OpenStreetMap for their front page, this map shows public transportation in great detail.
A global style focused on information about the natural world - great for rural context.
For all the outdoor enthusiasts - hiking, skiing and other activities.
A clear map style for both navigation and local context.
A dark variant of the Transport map.
Do you have a vision for your project and our standard maps don’t quite hit the spot?
We can make any changes that you need. We can add your company branding, specific icons or change specific features, or remove unwanted detail. We can work with one of our own styles or help you migrate an existing style.
As cartographers, we’re confident and quick about making changes. You can just tell us what result you need. We’ll find the best way to get there.
We specialise in providing reliable, high-quality global maps that you can quickly set up and that your users will love.
We’re obsessed with detail. Labels are supplied in local languages and English so your end-users can find the information they need.
You can use one of our ready-made styles, overlay your own data, or ask us to create a custom style for you. Whichever option you choose, you’ll quickly get the map styles that you need.
Easy integration with every map library that supports raster and vector maps.
Thunderforest supports easy integration with a huge range of options, from JavaScript, to Flutter, to native toolkits for almost every mobile platform.
There’s no proprietary SDKs or vendor lock-in. Our maps are easy to set up and run with your existing tech stack.
You’ll need an API Key to access all of our APIs and services. We can provide you with our Map Tiles API, Static Maps API, Vector Styles API and Vector Sources API.
Test out your ideas with our free plan. Paid plans from $125 per month.