An overview map of London

Transport - A map for developers

Transport is a hand-curated map showing all forms of transport, from railways and buses to funicular railways and chairlifts.

It is available in a standard or dark style.

Save hours of your time reworking generic, bland maps to make them suitable for your company and users.

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A transit map for web apps and mobile devices

Transport is ideal for companies who need a quick, clear view of transit options at a local or global level.

A detailed map of JFK airport
Hand-curated Detail

Simplified cartography so transit items stand out

Unlike our other map styles (and those of competitors), Transport has a stripped back approach to roads, paths and natural features. Transit items take centre stage.

Users can quickly find transit items, even in city centres with crowded interchanges. Transport includes:

  • Railways
  • Buses
  • Trams
  • Chairlifts
  • Funiculars
  • Cable Cars
  • Ferries
  • Airports
A map showing bus routes and railways in Bruneck
Thoughtful Styling

Tackling cartography challenges with creative design

It is comparatively easy to add a layer for an underground metro, for example, or to show some bus stops.

What is much harder, is to show all transport options and the relationships within and between them.

For example, we draw a smooth highlight around bus stops with the same name, so you can spot their relationship at a glance.

Cartographer and company founder

Andy Allan

“There’s been many iterations for Transport over the years, particularly the technologies we use. It’s traditionally our ‘pathfinder’ style. It was the first to use CartoCSS and the first to be powered by vector tiles.

As well as changing the behind-the-scenes technologies, we keep working on the cartography too. Finding better ways to show overlapping bus routes is a current priority, along with adding more unusual types of public transport, like funiculars, cable cars and chairlifts.”

Read more about how Transport was created

A map showing railways around Shenzhen
Regular Updates

Users always have the most recent information

All of our maps are updated several times per day with fresh data.

We also regularly update our cartography to improve clarity, and to add the less common and even unique forms of transport from around the world.

A dark themed map of Firenze
Flexible Styles

A dark style to fit your project

Transport Dark is a fully customised dark style for specific use cases.

Rather than simply inverting colours, we’ve picked out colours that support a distinct Transport style. Grass remains green, for example, but railways switch from black to yellow.

If you want further customisations, please get in touch with us to discuss.

Available in our maps APIs:

Created in-house using our Vector Sources API:

Use Cases

Transport is ideal for companies who need a clear view of transit features, anywhere in the world.

  • Transport and logistical industry apps
  • Travel, route planning and urban apps
  • Research and educational apps

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