A dark variant of our standard Transport map, showing public transit information for every country in the world.
You can use Transport Dark to serve a transport map that respects user’s display settings. You can also use Transport Dark if your website is “dark by default”, and requires this style of map for consistency.
Transport Dark has been carefully optimised for dark mode, rather than the colours simply being inverted.
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Transport Dark is ideal for organisations who need a reliable transport map that is readable, accurate and popular with users
Your end users can quickly find the information they need, even in busy city centres with crowded interchanges. Natural features are pared back, so that transit options stand out.
Labels are in the local language, or in both the local language and also in English. This is the case at train stations, for example, where there are likely to be international travellers.
Our Transport map is particularly popular with government authorities and organisations who need accessible, user-friendly maps.
Key transit features include:
It is comparatively easy to add a layer for an underground metro, for example, or to show some bus stops. Then to just invert the colours to create a dark mode.
What is much harder, is to show all transport options and the relationships within and between them. Then to create an optimised dark mode, rather than a quick variation.
For example, we draw a smooth highlight around bus stops with the same name, so you can spot their relationship at a glance. In dark mode, grass remains green, for example, but we have switched railways from black to yellow because this makes them easier to see.
“I initially created the Transport Dark style as a technology demo. I really like the cartography it shows though. It’s not just a simple inversion of colours, like so many other dark schemes.”
Read more about how Transport (Dark mode and standard) was created
All of our maps are updated hourly with fresh data.
We also regularly update our cartography to improve clarity, and to add less common and unique forms of transport from around the world.
Transport Dark is ideal for organisations who need a clear view of transit features anywhere in the world. It is ideal for: